Ketamine Therapy and Ketamine
Assisted Therapy
"Before Ketamine Infusions and Integration Therapy, years of sadness had prevented me from connecting with friends and family. I have spent much of my time off in bed with little interest in hobbies that I once enjoyed. When my son told me about Ketamine for Depression, I knew I had to find out more information so that I could lift the burden of my depression off my family. I met with Dr. Rena Ferguson and Pamela Gallo and I knew I wanted to go forward with treatments. The Ketamine Infusions were each a very different experience for me. They allowed me to process both unconscious and conscious thoughts and feelings. Engaging in Ketamine Assisted Therapy along with the Ketamine Infusions was a game changer for me because it showed me that I have allowed others to influence how I feel. The therapy brought me the realization that I have been searching for misery and projecting it on my life. The therapy helped me to not try to control the experience of the Ketamine Infusions and allowed me to process what I needed to during the Infusions. After Ketamine Treatment and KAT I feel amazing! I feel like I am living in the present and looking forward to my future, not back at my past.”
"Before Ketamine Infusions and Integration Therapy, I felt extremely hopeless and drained. I had tried everything else to treat my depression including countless medications and ECT. The Ketamine treatment felt absolutely amazing. I feel like my body is being cleansed of all the toxins. I feel more at peace internally and I am processing my thoughts better. The Integration Therapy with Pamela Gallo without a doubt affected my perspective on embracing life changes. Pam helped me understand my feelings and gave me tools to use in my everyday life. The Integration Therapy helped me to go through the process without anxiety and with an open mind."
"Before Ketamine Infusions I wasn't able to work and unable to enjoy activities I once loved. Now, I feel more prepared to start looking for a job and I am doing the activities I love like baking and reading. I decided to start Ketamine because I could no longer handle my depression and suicidal thoughts. The infusions were relaxing and the experience was meaningful. I felt in control of my experience. I engaged in Integration Therapy which encouraged me to apply certain changes in my life. I now no longer feel suicidal and my life has meaning."
"I am starting to be able to function and do daily activities with more clarity and energy. I feel more like myself and feel like the fog is starting to clear."
“After the Ketamine Infusions I have made a lot of personal and interpersonal revelations. I feel more aware of what I can and cannot change and my place in it all.”
“Prior to Ketamine treatment, depression significantly impacted my life. I had tried many medications and TMS and found no relief. After Ketamine I feel much more relaxed and the depression and anxiety are greatly diminished.“
Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation (TMS)
“I feel better about myself and have learned how to get myself to feel better through breathing and tension exercises. Caroline was a great help with this and hints on how to get rid of bad thoughts.”
“I got my normal, happy, relaxed life back because of TMS treatments. I am feeling great. I call it my "mental miracle" that restored me to my normal healthy lifestyle. I am very grateful for TMS.”
“I have been getting up with a brighter outlook on life and I am starting to reclaim my life.”
“I wake up with a much better attitude and look forward to the day. Hope has returned in my life.”
“I feel amazing. Before TMS it seemed I was never really part of what was happening. Now I feel as though I am living life for the first time that I can remember! The best thing to come my way in a long time! Thank you!”
“I am happier, enjoy more things and feel better about life and myself.”